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Vim Alphabet


Scroll to the bottom for a larger description of the lowercase version.

Summary version

SummaryLowercase CommandUppercase CommandSummary
AppendaAAppend end
BackwardbBBackward BIG
ChangecCChange to end
DeletedDDelete to end
EndeEEnd BIG
FindfFFind backward
GogGGo end
InsertiIInsert start
UpkKKeyword help
NextnNSearch prev
Open belowoOOpen above
PutpPPut before
RecordqQEx mode
ReplacerRReplace char
SubstitutesSSubstitute ln
TilltTTill backward
UndouUUndo line
VisualvVVisual line
WordwWWord BIG
CutxXCut backward
YankyYYank line

Described version

aAppendEnter insert mode after the current character
bBackwardMove cursor one word backward
cChangeChange the text under cursor or specified region
dDeleteDelete the text under cursor or specified region
eEndMove cursor to end of word
fFindMove cursor to next occurrence of specified character
gGoPrefix for various commands (e.g. gg goes to top)
hLeftMove cursor one character to the left
iInsertEnter insert mode before the current character
jDownMove cursor one line down
kUpMove cursor one line up
lRightMove cursor one character to the right
mMarkSet a mark at current position
nNextRepeat last search
oOpen belowOpen a new line below and enter insert mode
pPutPaste text after cursor (or below current line)
qRecordStart or stop recording a macro
rReplaceReplace the character under the cursor
sSubstituteDelete character under cursor and enter insert mode
tTillMove cursor just before next occurrence of character
uUndoUndo the last change
vVisualStart visual mode
wWordMove cursor one word forward
xCutDelete character under cursor
yYankCopy text under cursor or specified region
zRedrawRedraw screen, prefix for various commands